More than 100,000 jobs added in Canada in April 2019! April’s job growth is the highest since Canada started collecting such data over forty years ago. Employment rose by exactly 107,000 in April, with notable gains in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Prince Edward Island.
73,000 jobs were full-time and the majority of the gains — 84,000 — occurred in the private sector. New jobs added lowered the national unemployment rate in Canada to 5.7%
On a year-over-year basis, employment grew by 426,000, of which 248,000 was full-time.
Source: CIC NEWS
Canada is well on their plan to welcome new 1 Million Permanent Residents by 2021. This is indeed a great news for all those who are interested in Migrating to Canada! With Jobs in abundance and a very low unemployment rate, Now is the right time for Canadian Immigration!

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